If you use a bandsaw for any one of a number of reasons and the blade happens to snap, this can be inconvenient especially if you do not have a spare. This can also mean that you are either up for the cost of a new blade or you may be able to find someone who has a band saw blade welder to fix it for you.
This welding machine has been especially adapted and designed for repairing these particular cutting devices. The snapped blade is placed in the machine and goes through a number of processes which repairs it, before it is finally removed and ready to be reused again.
There are several different sizes to be found for purchasing and these can be from the larger ones to the much smaller versions down to the portable units. For those who have a backyard shed or garage where they like to use a bandsaw, then the portable type will run off a car battery which is twelve volts making it ideally suited to this situation.
These cutting devices can be tricky to weld with an ordinary type of welding unit as there can be a problem with the heating and cooling of the metal being repaired. It usually requires a process of annealing which is a method of heating then slow cooling to help reduce any brittleness, but also toughens the metal helping the join to last.
The large units are often used in a company or business where there are a number of bandsaw cutting machines, and are much better suited to this situation than the smaller portable unit. The portable variety is ideal for moving to a machine with a break, in a backyard or any other type of situation.
Single alloy blades are the type most suited to fixing in some of these machines as they are not as hard to weld as some of the other metals such as the bi metal type. The bi metal type will sometimes re break where they have been fixed and this machine is not always recommended for this type of blade.
For those companies and business which have the much larger workshops with several band saws, to those who have a garage or backyard workshop where they use a band saw this unit would make a ideal addition for making repairs. If looking for places where these machines are for sale then checking on the websites of the internet is one area to try.